NEWDIGS is an exciting and innovative approach to developing solutions for systemwide impediments to biomedical innovation and patient care. The noncompetitive, collaborative environment encourages novel and fresh ideas and interactions to truly move the industry forward in positive ways. Dr. Debra Schaumberg, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Real-World Evidence at Evidera...
Morgan Frank Featured in US Federal Reserve Interview
Augmentation—AI designed to work with humans, not replace them—promises to improve job quality and productivity. In an audio feature, roboticists and researchers talk to Invested about augmentation’s design, challenges, and benefits.
FP article: Baghdadi’s Martyrdom Bump
Baghdadi’s Martyrdom Bump Killing the Islamic State leader will not kill his ideas. By Santiago Segarra, Ali Jadbabaie and Richard Nielsen October 29, 2019 It is clear that the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will damage the organizational and strategic capacity of the already beleaguered Islamic State....
Director Ali Jadbabaie explains the work of SSRC
In an interview with the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center Director Ali Jadbabaie, he explains the importance of the work that is currently undergone here in this space. What is SSRC? The Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) is one of 11 laboratories at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The SSRC...
Josh Tenenbaum Receives 2019 MacArthur Fellowship
Brain and cognitive sciences professor studies how the human mind is able to learn so rapidly. Josh Tenenbaum, a professor in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences who studies human cognition, has been named a recipient of a 2019 MacArthur Fellowship. The fellowships, often referred to as “genius grants,”...
Living Lab Launches in Adelaide
World-famous university MIT will be an integral part of Lot Fourteen, the old hospital site on North Tce — establishing a living laboratory to crunch big data and develop popular products. Chris Russell, The Advertiser The world’s leading university in computer science, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will establish a...
Empowering African Farmers with Data
Research from the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society aims to help African farmers increase their production and profits with better prediction. by Scott Murray May 30, 2019 With a couple billion more people estimated to join the global population in the next few decades, world food production could use...
Embracing Complexity in the Future of Work
Photo by Richard Clyborne of Music Strive Postdoc Morgan Frank discusses research and ideas about the future of work. He's interested in the latest technology such as machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing that represent the new frontiers of innovation and entrepreneurialism. Morgan asks the question not of the...
“Dynamic Dossier in the Cloud” to Transform Data Sharing, Starting with Federal Regulators
New platform will redefine biopharmaceutical data sharing Read the full article written by CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- MIT NEWDIGS and the Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Science announced the Dynamic Dossier in the Cloud today, a radical new platform that promises to redefine the way biopharmaceutical companies share data...
The Bioprocessing Summit Interview with Paul Barone
Cambridge Healthtech Institute recently spoke with Dr. Paul Barone of Massachusetts Institute of Technology about Viral Safety and where the field and industry is headed in coming years. Dr. Barone is a speaker at the 3rd Annual Virus and Pathogen Clearance and Safety in Biologics which is taking place from...